Ministry Teams
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
to Serve
Whether your gifts are engaging others or behind-the-scenes, visionary or details-oriented, leading or following, working with children or the homebound, God has opportunities for you to serve at Shiloh Baptist Church. For more information on any ministry team, please complete the form below.
Administration & Stewardship
The mission of this ministry is to serve Christ by faithfully managing the given resources of the church, its funds, belongings, and records. It endeavors to glorify God by utilizing those gifts for the purpose of furthering His kingdom. (Luke 16:10-13)
Benevolence &
The mission of this ministry is to reach people for Christ by meeting their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs while providing a place of belonging. This ministry worships God by imitating His compassion, mercy, and love for all people. (Romans 12:9-11)
Discipleship &
The mission of this ministry is to build up Christ's church by training, equipping, and imparting wisdom given by God through His Holy Spirit. This ministry worships God by growing in the knowledge of the Lord and seeking His good and perfect will. (Colossians 3:16)
Evangelism &
The mission of this ministry is to reach people for Christ by sharing the gospel message and going out into the world to make more disciples of Him. This ministry endeavors to glorify God by obediently following His command to spread His Word both locally and globally. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Prayer &
The mission of this ministry is to honor Christ, praise and glorify Him by expressions of love through speech, song, thoughts, and actions. This ministry endeavors to glorify God by constant communication through prayer and corporate worship. (John 4:23-24)
How can I serve?
You may feel led to serve in a specific way or you may have no idea how you can get involved. Either way, please provide a little information and our Servant Mobilization Team will be in touch.