Sunday Service
Sunday Worship Service begins at 11:00 a.m. with a medley of praise songs to prepare our hearts so we may receive the blessings of the Holy Spirit as the pastor proclaims God’s Word.
We provide a safe and loving learning environment for children during the Worship Service and adhere strictly to our Children’s Policies and Procedures Manual. (For directions to classrooms, please consult our building and classroom map.)
Ages 2 - 3
Room 207 (Toddler Room)
We have dedicated, experienced teachers who ensure our toddlers, ages 2 to 3, are cared for in a safe and nurturing learning environment with appropriate activities during Sunday School and Worship Service. Please pick your children up after the Worship Service in Room 207.
Grades 1 - 5
These children may come up front for the Children's Sermon during Worship Service. Afterwards, they may go with the children's church workers to the Chapel for their own "kid-size" Worship Service. Please pick your children up after the Worship Service at the Chapel doors (on the way to the Family Life Center).